
Nikita Marini is a Data Analyst at CPI, specializing in econometric theory and data analysis techniques, micro and macroeconomics, as well as quantitative analysis.

At CPI, Nikita is responsible for conducting research and analysis on climate finance and its impact on economies. He is likewise a member of CPI’s data science team, seeking to incorporate advanced data science techniques into CPI’s workflow.

Previously, Nikita worked for a consulting firm specialized in competition economics, where they provided economic and financial analysis for clients in various sectors, including telecommunications, energy, and transport. Before his consulting experience, he worked in the risk management department of an international bank in the Italian city of Parma where he gained valuable experience in financial analysis and risk assessment.

Nikita holds a master’s degree in Econometrics and Empirical Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics in France. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Tilburg University in the Netherlands.


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