Energy Access
Access to sustainable energy underpins many aspects of a healthy, sustainable economy. However, less than one-fourth of the investment required for universal energy access is taking place. While there are proven technologies and business models that can increase access to clean, affordable, and reliable energy, financing these projects and enterprises continues to be a persistent challenge.
The Energizing Finance series, developed by in partnership with CPI, captures finance for the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking. The annual report focuses on public and private finance commitments in 20 developing countries that together are home to nearly 80 percent of those living without access to sustainable and modern energy.
Latest work
Climate Finance in Indonesia: A landmark 2022 lays solid foundation for action in 2023
As Indonesia took up the mantle of G20 presidency, 2022 was a particularly momentous year filled with opportunities to examine the country’s climate finance landscape, improve the underpinning regulatory framework, and foster greater global cooperation on ensuring just energy transitions. Here is a reflection of progresses we have achieved in both sustainable finance and energy transition areas last year and a preview of what is underway for 2023.
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2022
An update to India’s first-ever effort to track green investment flows that measures both public and private sources of capital for FY 2019-20
Rivers of Diesel in the Amazon: Why Does the Region with Brazil’s Biggest Hydroelectric Plants Still Rely on Expensive, Dirty Fuel?
CPI/PUC-Rio researchers point out the contrast of electricity supply and identify “two Brazils”: the interconnected Brazil that runs on renewable energy and the isolated Brazil powered by fossil fuels.
The Role of End-User Subsidies in Closing the Affordability Gap
Electricity access remains a significant global challenge, with only incremental progress made to date towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7. Affordability plays an important role in determining whether households gain and maintain access to electricity.
Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in Indonesia: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Solutions
This brief examines the challenges and opportunities in financing Indonesia’s ambitious targets on renewable energy towards an energy transition.
Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovative Solutions
This brief identifies the challenges and opportunities in financing India’s ambitious renewable energy targets.