
Land Use

Amazon River. Photo: Carolina Marques

As the global population grows, it’s more important than ever to use land and natural resources efficiently. To meet the world’s needs, we must improve agricultural productivity while avoiding expansion into carbon-rich areas like forests.

CPI research identifies and assesses opportunities to improve land-use efficiency and increase the productivity of land while simultaneously protecting forests’ vital carbon stocks. Current partnerships include the Ministry of Agriculture in Brazil, the , and other decision-makers to support a Production & Protection strategy.

Latest work


Credit Where It’s Due: Financial Institutions and Credit for Deforested Properties

This study reveals that subsidized rural credit has been widely channeled by various financial institutions to finance producers who allowed the destruction of native vegetation.


The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems

Agrifood systems form the cornerstones of economies, societies, and ecosystems across the world, while also generating significant environmental costs. This report takes a systems-based approach to analyzing the investment needs of the agrifoods sector.


Settlements in Focus: Combating Deforestation and Conservation in the Amazon

CPI/PUC-Rio and Amazon 2030 analize the high concentration of deforestation in a small group of rural settlements in the Amazon.


Cutting Down the (Hydropower) Plants: How the Amazon Deforestation is Jeopardizing Electricity Generation in Brazil

CPI/PUC-Rio and Amazônia 2030 analyze the impact of changes in rainfall patterns caused by deforestation on national electricity generation.


Structured Finance for Nature

Structured Finance for Nature (SFN) stacks green bonds to finance a diversified portfolio of natural assets, with 60% dedicated to protecting intact ecosystems.


The Landbanking Group

The Landbanking Group (TLG) has created a new methodology for valuing nature and a market mechanism (Nature Equity Assets) to allow direct investment into natural capital stocks – biodiversity, carbon, soil, and water.

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